Community Outreach and Charity
Upcoming Events
Since 2003, the “Community Outreach and Charity Programme” (“COP”) has evolved from a simple idea into a comprehensive and scalable project. benefiting over 50 charities over the past two decades. It has underpinned the Club’s commitment to creating a positive impact on the community and promoting sports.
The COP is built upon four pillars: Family, Wellness. Neighbourhood and Environment. With members’ support. this dedication becomes an integral part of the Club’s ESG (Environmental. Social. and Governance) initiative.
Over the years. various schemes have been introduced. including but not limited to promoting sports. youth empowerment. elderly well-being, emergency relief. and preservation of the environment.
Raising public awareness is another vital agendum to advocate health and wellness. In addition to opening facilities to the public and charity partners. the Club’s dedication is further distinguished by an ongoing expansion and diversification of the COP’s service scope and offering.
- For enquiries, please call 2335 3848 / 2335 3719 or email to
Since 2003, the “Community Outreach and Charity Programme” (“COP”) has evolved from a simple idea into a comprehensive and scalable project. benefiting over 50 charities over the past two decades. It has underpinned the Club’s commitment to creating a positive impact on the community and promoting sports.
The COP is built upon four pillars: Family, Wellness. Neighbourhood and Environment. With members’ support. this dedication becomes an integral part of the Club’s ESG (Environmental. Social. and Governance) initiative.
Over the years. various schemes have been introduced. including but not limited to promoting sports. youth empowerment. elderly well-being, emergency relief. and preservation of the environment.
Raising public awareness is another vital agendum to advocate health and wellness. In addition to opening facilities to the public and charity partners. the Club’s dedication is further distinguished by an ongoing expansion and diversification of the COP’s service scope and offering.
- For enquiries, please call 2335 3848 / 2335 3719 or email to
Upcoming Events
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【有線新聞】亞洲及大洋洲樂天小帆船錦標賽,於清水灣鄉村俱樂部遊艇會圓滿落幕,新加坡奪冠。港女小帆船手個人成績優越獲女子組別第一名。獲國際樂天小帆船協會(IODA)授權,由中國香港帆船運動總會主辦、香港樂天級帆船協會協辦的亞洲及大洋洲樂天小帆船錦標賽,上星期六(1 月 4 日)於清水灣鄉村俱樂部遊艇會圓滿結束。今年共 133名來自 19 個國家或地區的選手參加,競逐冠軍殊榮、互相切磋。 經過一連五天精彩刺激的比賽後,2024 年亞洲及大洋洲樂天小帆船錦標賽得獎者出爐。個人成績方面,新加坡選手 Ethan Chia (SGP 121) 成功衛冕;第二名由隊友 Sean
- Fitz運動資訊
網球盛事 「清水灣冠軍盃2024」圓滿落幕 | 巴黎奧運金牌 John Peers 與荷蘭拍檔 Matwe Middelkoop 奪冠 Fitz運動資訊 由清水灣鄉村俱樂部主辦的香港網球壇盛事「清水灣冠軍盃」今年再度凱旋歸來,賽事於2024年12月7至8日假清水灣鄉村俱樂部完滿舉行。10位來自世界各地的海外選手經過一番龍爭虎鬥後,結果由澳洲球手John Peers 與荷蘭球手 Matwe
- Sing Tao
首屆Cars for Good經典車展 清水灣鄉村俱樂部舉行│結合本地車會力量 150古今名車雲集 | 星島日報 首屆Cars for Good經典車展昨天(12月1日)在清水灣鄉村俱樂部舉行,150輛古今名車雲集,活動開放給公眾人士免費入場參觀。 由清水灣鄉村俱樂部主辦的第一屆Cars for Good經典車展,昨天(12月1日)圓滿舉行,現場展出由本地多個不同車會提供的150輛古今名車,包括老爺車、超跑、JDM日本版跑車、電單車、四驅車,以至古典載貨車等,非常矚目,活動開放給公眾人士免費入場參觀,氣氛熱鬧。(文、部份圖片:DP) 首屆Cars for
/清水灣鄉村俱樂部經典老爺車展 2024 圓滿落幕,經典與「驚艷」車型閃耀登場! Car1.HK 清水灣鄉村俱樂部於12月1日成功舉辦了「經典老爺車展2024」,吸引超過1,000位汽車迷及家庭參與。展覽以壯麗的180度海景為背景,展出了175輛經典與「驚艷」車型,分佈於12個主題展區,讓參觀者享受一場結合汽車歷史與設計藝術的視覺盛宴。 展覽橫跨多個世代,涵蓋從20世紀初的經典車型到尖端現代超跑,完美呈現汽車設計的進化。參觀者漫步於高爾夫學院球場,欣賞各式車輛與壯麗景色相互輝映,流連忘返。同時,特別的電單車展品與未來感十足的車型更為整場活動增添驚喜。 今年活動新增慈善環節,參觀者可透過參與 More Good慈善美食攤位 及 協青社義賣活動 為公益事業出力。此外,ZEEKR贊助試駕活動所得款項將全數捐贈清水灣鄉村俱樂部慈善基金,讓汽車愛好者的熱情進一步轉化為回饋社會的力量。 12個主題展區內,車主與觀眾的互動讓參與者對展覽有更深刻的體會。亮點包括保存完美的經典車、優雅的歐洲跑車,以及稀有電單車,參觀者既能了解車輛背後的故事,又能與車主交流心得,令體驗更加豐富多元。 隨著夕陽灑落高爾夫球場,「經典老爺車展2024」圓滿落幕。清水灣鄉村俱樂部主席黃偉光醫生感謝所有參與者,他表示:「這不僅是一場汽車盛會,更是一個讓大家凝聚熱愛並為社會作出貢獻的平台。」俱樂部憑藉獨特的活動設計與公益精神,展現了對社會的承諾。 清水灣老爺車展,不只是一次視覺享受,還是一場心靈的洗滌。能夠欣賞如此多經典與現代車款的同時,還可以參與慈善活動,這種將熱愛轉化為善舉的設計令人感動!活動場地更是絕佳,加上海景與夕陽的襯托,真的讓每一位參觀者都感到不虛此行。期待來年再見,更希望能看到更多特別車款和公益活動的結合!